
Spring brought so much profit. It is a profitable promotion at Amio Bank


Spring brought so much profit... Amio presents a new "Beneficial" spring offer. Best terms to increase your savings. The idea is that, the money will work, and you just have to make the deposit. As a part of the "Beneficial" spring promotion, make a deposit in Rubles, get high interest rates and a wide range of benefits. • 3.9% annual interest rate for 1-3 months • 5.1% annual interest rate for 3-6 months • 5.6% annual interest rate for 6-12 months Moreover, make a deposit via AMIO Mobile app and you will get +0.1% additional interest*. Amio offers the best conditions for making a deposit, such as managing the deposit without visiting the bank, a preferred option for receiving interest, the possibility of replenishing the deposit, partial reduction and early termination. Depending on the amount of the deposit, Amio depositors also have the opportunity to receive a VISA Classic, Gold or even Platinum international card without registration and service fees. The offer will be valid until 07.05.2024 (inclusive).

  • Annual percentage yield - up to 5.7%. Get to know the details here:
Amio Bank is supervised by the Central Bank of Armenia

Updated 01.04.2024 11:40

+374 10 59 20 20Head Office: 48 Nalbandyan st., Yerevan, 0010, RA


Mobile apps

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License of the Central Bank of Armenia #40 issued on 10.12.1991
AMIO BANK is the legal successor of ARMBUSINESSBANK.

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The Bank is supervised by the Central Bank of Armenia